Published on December 27, 2005 By starone In Community
Well, know the reason I've always liked to skin. Sharing for one, creativity outlet for another, learning as you go, and experimenting. So, okay skinners, let's hear yours.
on Dec 27, 2005
A fascination with being at the dawn of a new artistic medium/outlet...
on Dec 27, 2005
Even though I'm a relative newb at it, it is very cool to see a 'puter decked out with things created by my own ideas.
Great question.
on Dec 27, 2005
A fascination with being at the dawn of a new artistic medium/outlet...

The passion to create, for me...except for a wonky computer, work or visiting my children, there is not a day that goes by, that I am not working on at least one painting, render or logon on my computer. To receive a smile, a giggle, a thoughtful try new ideas...I have already gone to bed and an hour later gotten up and turned on my computer, because I had a new idea, and it can't wait till morning!!
on Dec 28, 2005
I very much enjoy making my machine look as cool as pos and the idea that other people can enjoy my creation and give their input spurs me on to try and do better. So now I don't sleep ever in case I forget something there not sunglasses there black bags under my eyes
on Dec 28, 2005
It's a modus viventi!
on Dec 28, 2005
For me is more of a self challenge. I like to see how close I could come to recreate an image/idea with a graphic program....and then surpass it.
on Dec 28, 2005
I started out just to see if I could do it and learn the programs. Now I do it because I have alot of fun. It is relaxing and I enjoy trying to get my thoughts and visions out in a creative way. I still have alot to learn. I like the challenge too!
on Dec 28, 2005
To enrage the little mouse people inside the box that sits on my desk with endless changes that keep them on their treadmills... faster, faster, faster!!!
on Dec 28, 2005
I like to create or make things. Wether it's music or other art. I'm the type of person who will mow the lawn or paint a room and then look back at it 'for far too long' and admire what I have done. And I have this compulsive desire to be acknowledged for it...and more have it liked. I am pathetic. But I love it.
on Jan 01, 2006
I started drawing when i was six. When i got into high school i took just about every art class that was available. My specialty is oil painting and crafting. Now a new media arrives. What a challange!. I have allways admired and envied the work that has been posted here. two years ago i decided i had to master what everyone else was doing. I wanted to be as good, not better. Knowing how to use SkinStudio was another challange and a notch in my belt too. I got more than i bargend for when creating my work. I got to get to know alot of wonderfull people from around the world through Thankyou.
on Jan 01, 2006
I do something because it makes me happy.  I share it because I like to think of something I made being somewhere in the world I can only dream of visiting. 
on Jan 03, 2006
I like it because its FUN, and you get to talk to allsorts of people and knowing that other people enjoy your art gives me a big thrill, so I'll carry on putting my stuff on the only site worth putting on "WINCUSTOMIZE".
on Jan 03, 2006
I've always been envious of those with a natural talent toward graphic art. After many feeble attempts, I've finaly made a couple of small items I could call "art". It has given me much pleasure to know that even only a few people liked and downloaded what I've created. Not to mention the chance to give back to the community that I have gotten so much from!
on Jan 05, 2006
Ok, I am using cracked versions of ObjectDock and WindowBlinds. I know it's not good, but I have no other way, because I can't find a way to buy Stardock softwares from my country. And I was using many skins and icons from the WC authors. In short, all the things I've got are totally free.
Then one day I began to wonder what I could do... not just get them for free.
Of course, starone's reasons too.